The financial rating of a company represents the assessment of its financial capacity and stability, being assigned a final rating: very good, normal, or low, depending on each company.
The financial rating provides an overview of a company's economic stability through an objective evaluation based on financial results, relative to its industry and sector.
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Based on a company's financial situation, the financial rating indicates the level of risk associated with its economic activities. As a tool that uses indicators such as liquidity, profitability, solvency, and payment history, the financial rating helps you make more informed and secure decisions to protect your company from various risks.
The financial rating helps you make informed decisions and sign contracts only with reliable companies. A good rating means a lasting partnership. A low rating means a risky collaboration is avoided.
Very Good Rating
The company has a stable financial situation. The operational and net profitability as well as the balance sheet indicators indicate a risk-free financial solidity for the next period.
The rating was created based on several indicators obtained from the official financial data of the companies, for a large number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and was tested on the historical data of small and medium companies in Romania.
Low Rating
The company is in an unstable financial situation. The level of operational and net profitability, as well as the situation of net current liabilities, is in an area that indicates operational and financial risks. It is possible that in the next period this company will face difficulties in ensuring the necessary liquidity to carry out its activity in optimal conditions. We recommend carefully following the financial situation of the company as well as the monthly evolution of its financial indicators.
The Financial Rating Report contributes to the creation of a general vision regarding the financial situation of the company of interest. A very good rating shows the financial stability of a company and its ability to meet financial obligations, respect commitments, including debt payment. A low rating raises question marks, signaling the company's financial instability.
The financial rating or financial score assigned to a company highlights both how a company manages its financial resources and the likelihood of failing to meet obligations to clients, partners, or creditors.
Not convinced? Discover the financial rating of the company and find out how collaborating with it brings added value.
Today's evaluation turns into tomorrow's successful partnership.
The Financial Rating Report is the key tool that defines a company: balance and resilience in the face of financial changes or economic difficulties that lead to investor losses.
The financial rating shows a company's trajectory, capturing either progress or financial stagnation. Check the companies of interest and establish your next trusted collaborators based on the financial rating.
The financial rating plays a role in strengthening relationships with partners and building long-term partnerships.
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3. Search for the company of interest and download the company risk reports.