API e-Factura

All identification data of a company are included in an API exclusively designed for e-invoicing.

Data request is based on the Unique Registration Code (CUI), and the information transmitted through the API conforms to the necessary structure in the e-Factura application.

Through the API, companies can automate the process of generating, sending, and managing invoices, thus reducing manual effort and potential human errors.
Operational efficiency
Integrating the API into a company's existing systems can improve operational efficiency, reducing the time and resources required for invoice generation.
Ease of integration
The API allows easy integration of e-invoicing functionalities into various applications and existing systems of clients, without the need for significant development resources.

How e-Factura API it helps you?

The e-Factura API is a simple and efficient solution that provides access to company identification data to facilitate the electronic invoicing process.

This API is designed to provide quickly and securely the necessary information to automatically complete company identification data in electronic invoices.

How e-Factura API it helps you?

Data set API e-Factura includes:

eInvoice - Company information according to the eInvoice fields
Company ID - Company CUI
Company Name - Company Name
Country - Country
Country Subentity - County
City Name - Locality
Street Name - Address
Postal Code - Postal Code
Last Update Date - date of updating information about the headquarters and status of the company in the RisCo system
Cash VAT - Cash VAT payer indicator
NACE - Activity class indicator
NACE description - NACE indicator description
Sales - Turnover recorded in the previous year
Net Income - net profit recorded in the previous year
Verification Date - date on which the verification was performed
VAT payer - VAT status indicator
Fiscally inactive - fiscal status of the company
Split VAT - split payment indicator
For more information about the e-Factura API e-Factura API and to explore all the options available for your business, we invite you to consult our complete documentation.

Example response API e-Factura

This example will illustrate how the API provides company identification data to facilitate the electronic invoicing process.
"message": "Compania a fost gasita la Registrul Comertului",
"nume": "RISCO SERVICII FINANCIARE SRL", "tara": "Romania",
"judet": "Bucuresti", "localitate": "Bucuresti Sectorul 2",
"adresa": "B-dul PIERRE DE COUBERTIN, Nr. 3-5",
"codFiscal": "33741906",
"nrInregistrareRecom": "J40/12529/2014",
"dataInregistrareRecom": "2014-01-01 -- Data inregistrarii la Registrul Comertului --",
"formaLegala": "SRL", "dataUltimeiActualizari": "25.11.2017",
"status": "1048 -- este un cod de 4 cifre care reprezinta statusul firmei furnizat de Registrul Comertului - Fisier stari https://www.risco.ro/static/5nomenclator_stari_firma.csv --",
"stare": "functiune -- poate fi functiune, insolventa, lichidare, radiata, suspendare, INREGISTRAT din data 01.01.2007, TRANSFER(SOSIRE) din data 07.03.2014, null --",
"TVAlaIncasare": "NU -- Poate fi DA sau NU, impozitul colectat de comercianti va fi virat catre bugetul de stat dupa ce acestia vor fi incasat sumele respective de la cumparatorii lor --",
"caen": "6312 -- Codul caen principal al firmei --",
"caen_desc": "Activitati ale portalurilor web -- Descrierea caen-ului --",
"statusTva": { "informatie_gasita": "DA", "data_verificarii": "2019-09-23",
"platitorTva": "DA -- Poate fi DA sau NU, DA pentru platitor in scopuri de tva / NU in cazul in care nu e platitor in scopuri de TVA --",
"inactivFiscal": "NU - Poate fi DA sau NU, stare furnizata de ANAF, anularea codului de TVA al companiei (daca are asa ceva) si a dreptului de a deduce cheltuieli la calcularea impozitului pe profit si a TVA-ului pentru achizitii --",
"eFactura": { "companyID": "RO33741906", "registrationName": "RISCO SERVICII FINANCIARE SRL",
"country": "RO",
"countrySubentity": "RO-B",
"cityName": "SECTOR2",
"postalZone": null

Test API e-Factura

We provide you with one api_key demo for testing or you can contact our support team for to receive a personalized api_key.
In order to query companies other than the test ones, it is necessary to use the authentication email on the RisCo.ro website, as well as a personalized api_key obtained from the support team.
To obtain a personalized api_key, please contact us at office@risco.ro or by phone 031 433 65 80, 031 433 65 81.

Testing infomation API e-Factura:

curl -X GET "https://www.risco.ro/api/efactura.php?user=newuser@risco.ro&api_key=5c4c1sd67c7817685064ca594d6571ef&cui=33741906&response_type=json"
Information can only be requested for a limited set of CUIs, namely. 33741906, 14399840, 2816464, 2864518, 5888716, 9010105
Test data is for demonstration purposes only, not real data.
How to integrate the e-Factura API?
Our technical support team is available to provide assistance and guidance
Please contact us at office@risco.ro or by phone 031 433 65 80, 031 433 65 81

Discover the Flexibility of RisCo APIs

With two types of APIs, we have solutions for all your needs. API-ul pentru date firme, de tip REST, provides you with quick access from any programming language or even from your preferred browser.

Plus, we also have a OPEN API, ready to develop fast, customized, and innovative applications, expand your market and ecosystem, and strengthen collaborations and partnerships.

Simplify the process and maximise the potential with Our REST API and OPEN API!

Firm Data API

The RisCo.ro API provides you with information about a company by providing its CUI and authentication information. The API is REST type, the query can be made from various programming languages or libraries (Curl, PHP, Python, Ruby) as well as directly in a browser (HTTP).

RisCo Open Api

With this API, you have instant access to information about a company, just by providing us with its CUI and the necessary authentication information. The integration is easy and fast.