Carrier Licenses

Verify licensed transport operators in Romania, their licenses, their compliant copies, and the number of vehicles.

Transport Operators
Transport Operators
Road transport
Road transport
Alternative transport
Alternative transport
Related activities
Related activities
Verify Carrier Licenses

Verify Licenses of

Client search and license check

Verify the type of license held by a transporter to determine if you can engage in transport activities with them and find out their transport capacity by displaying the number of vehicles they own.


Licenses and Vehicles
of Transport Operators

Find transporters in your county

You have the possibility to find transporters in your county or any other county in the country.

Select the desired county and the minimum number of vehicles you want transporters to have to sign an efficient service contract with them.

Verify Carrier Licenses
Verify Carrier Licenses

Financial performance, contacts, and vehicles

Assess the creditworthiness of transporters by accessing financial data, contact them using available contact details, and negotiate the contract based on the number of vehicles and your collaboration needs.

Activate a subscription with unlimited access and verify licenses and the number of vehicles for any company.

Transport Operator License Subscriptions

You can unlimitedly verify transport licenses and compliant copies for any transport operator.

Subscription cost is per user. You can pay simultaneously up to 10 users.
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