It represents the trademarks registered by a legal entity at OSIM regarding a product or a service. The report includes both valid and pending brands.
The trademark registered with OSIM of a company can be perceived as the business card of the manufacturer or trader.
Trademark registered at OSIM
A company that has the trademark registered at OSIM confers a security and a stability of the business and transmits confidence to the potential clients. If you identify the trademark of a company, you can avoid confusion about the products / services offered by the companies in a certain field.
Competitors' trademarks in force or pending
If you want to register a trademark and you are unsure that it has been used by another competitor, you can check that competitor to see if the trademark is in effect or pending.
The most important analysis you can do
The most important analysis you can do from this point of view is when you have to check the registered trademarks if you don't know the existing and future products of your competition. In this way, you find out if they will come out with a new product on the market that can affect the sales of your company.
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