Profit and Loss account
Access the company's data from the Profit and Loss Account and determine its financial performance: Sale, Profit/Loss, Total Revenues or Expenses and the number of employees.
Balance Sheet - Financial Balance
Check the information from the company's balance sheet and view the details about the company's assets, its receivables and cash to establish the availability of payment and how to work with it.
A company that has a positive evolution, a year-on-year increase in financial indicators, is considered to have a high creditworthiness. Also a company with a history in the market and financial data submitted each year, with an increase in the figure of business and profit, offers greater credibility and security for signing a contract than a start-up company.
The possibility of making rations according to the indicators of interest.
Whether you want to know the self-financing capacity of the company and to what extent it can meet payment obligations, or whether you want to know what is the average debt collection period, you have the possibility to create installments that give you an overall picture . These ratios are created based on the latest data from the balance sheet, but also for the last 10 market activities.
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