Zone Land S.r.l. has been established in -
and is based in Jud. ilfov, orş. bragadiru, str. mărgelelor, nr.27, camera 1.
The main activity of the company is Activitati de management (gestiune si exploatare) a mijloacelor de calcul, respectively NACE 6203.
In Bragadiru from Ilfov still operates and companies:
Stan Exclusiv S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Str. Solidarităţii, Nr.10
Canata Global Lojistik S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Şos. Alexandriei, Nr.241, Bl.p31, Sc.1
Aroma Sweet Srl, Jud. Ilfov, Sat Măgurele Orş. Măgurele, Str. Atomiştilor, Nr.167, Corp C2,Biroul 1
Ecolight Trade S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Str. Şos. Alexandriei, Nr.145, Biroul Nr. 1
Gourmet Fine Foods S.r.l.. Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Int. Drăganul, Nr.8E, Lot 3, Biroul Nr. 1
Comments - Zone Land S.r.l.