Skyrise Project S.r.l. has been established in -
and is based in Jud. ilfov, orş. voluntari, şos. bucureşti nord, nr.10b, bl.1, sc.a.
The main activity of the company is Activităţi de inginerie şi consultanţă tehnică legate de acestea, respectively NACE 7112.
In Voluntari from Ilfov still operates and companies:
Ansa Holding Management S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Voluntari, Str. Eugen Jebeleanu, Nr.24I, Parter, Cam. 1
Revast Admin Solutions S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Voluntari, Aleea Pipera, Nr.198/4, Bl.l3B2, Sc.2
Asianfood Perfect S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Voluntari, Str. Ana Ipătescu, Nr.63
A&Ch Properties S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Voluntari, Str. Vasile Vasilache, Nr.15
High Peak S.r.l.. Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Voluntari, Bld. Pipera, Nr.1, Parter. Camera 1, Bl.2
Comments - Skyrise Project S.r.l.