S.d.d.a. S.r.l. has been established in -
and is based in Jud. bihor, mun. oradea, str. plevnei, nr.12.
The main activity of the company is Alte lucrări speciale de construcții n.c.a., respectively NACE 4399.
In Oradea from Bihor still operates and companies:
Imperial Paints S.r.l., Jud. Bihor, Oradea, Str. Iza, Nr. 29, Bl. F11, Sc.b
Bbr Invest S.r.l., Jud. Bihor, Mun. Oradea, Str. Republicii, Nr.10
Antel Consulting Partium S.r.l., Jud. Bihor, Mun. Oradea, Str. Constantin Dobrogeanu Gherea, Nr.16, Biroul D9A
Antreprecons Srl, Jud. Bihor, Mun. Oradea, Str. Oneştilor, Nr.27A
Tg One S.r.l.. Jud. Bihor, Mun. Oradea, Str. Episcop Dr. Vasile Coman, Nr.3, Bl.2, Sc.a+B, Ap.b3
Comments - S.d.d.a. S.r.l.