Merkabah 773 S.r.l. has been established in -
and is based in Jud. ilfov, oraş popeşti leordeni, str. sf. agnes, nr. 57-61.
The main activity of the company is Alte activitati de servicii suport pentru intreprinderi n.c.a., respectively NACE 8299.
In Oraş Popeşti Leordeni from Ilfov still operates and companies:
Dg Business Factory S.r.l., Oraş Popeşti Leordeni, Str. 1 Mai, Nr. 2, Camera 2, Județ Ilfov
Bio Sun S.r.l., Oraş Popeşti Leordeni, Str. Solstiţiului, Nr. 6, Bloc 1Județ Ilfov
True Monolith S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Oraş Popeşti Leordeni, Str. Fermei, Nr. 101, Bl. 2
Vipex Prod Srl, Jud. Ilfov, Oraş Popeşti Leordeni, Str. Leordeni, Nr. 94
Rme Elegance S.r.l.. Oraş Popeşti Leordeni, Str. Sf. Vasile, Nr. 1A, Camera 1, Etaj 3Județ Ilfov
Comments - Merkabah 773 S.r.l.