Gaffer Rec S.r.l. has been established in -
and is based in Jud. ilfov, orş. bragadiru, şos. alexandriei, nr.476, bl.d1, sc.3.
The main activity of the company is Activităţi de producţie cinematografică, video şi de programe de televiziune, respectively NACE 5911.
In Bragadiru from Ilfov still operates and companies:
Oak Toys Srl, Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Şos De Centura, Nr.2-8
Heat Project Solutions S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Str. Armistiţiului, Nr.9, Mansardă
Hml Auto Parts Srl, Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Şos. Alexandriei, Nr.366, Camera 1
Parafun S.r.l., Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Str. Gloriei, Nr.19A, Parter. Cam.1
Vlads Residential Administration S.r.l.. Jud. Ilfov, Orş. Bragadiru, Prl. Ghencea, Nr.35D, Bl.1
Comments - Gaffer Rec S.r.l.