Fast Airsoft S.r.l. has been established in 2024
and is based in Jud. prahova, mun. ploieşti, str. cameliei, nr.6, bl.43, sc.a.
The main activity of the company is Alte activitati profesionale, stiintifice si tehnice n.c.a., respectively NACE 7490.
In Ploieşti from Prahova still operates and companies:
Wood Italiana S.r.l. Corsico Sucursala Ploiesti, Jud. Prahova, Mun. Ploieşti, Str. Baraoltului, Nr.3A, Complex Rezidenţial "Piaţa Aurora Vest", Clădirea C1, Biroul S9, Sc.d
Disaen Solution Srl, Jud. Prahova, Mun. Ploieşti, Aleea Prislop, Nr.7, Bl.46, Sc.a
Siromed Industri Gaz Srl, Jud. Prahova, Mun. Ploieşti, Str. Constantin Brezeanu, Nr.1, Bl.d3, Sc.j
Tdd Assets Srl, Jud. Prahova, Ploieşti, Str. Conului, Nr. 9
Miraj Events Party S.r.l.. Jud. Prahova, Mun. Ploieşti, Str. Lupeni, Nr.107, Camera Nr.1
Comments - Fast Airsoft S.r.l.