Doc Pages S.r.l. has been established in 2017
and is based in Jud. argeş, mun. piteşti, str. trivale, nr.14, camera 4.
The main activity of the company is Activitati de fotocopiere, de pregatire a documentelor si alte activitati specializate de secretariat, respectively NACE 8219.
In Piteşti from Arges still operates and companies:
A3 Fast Gass Srl, Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Aleea Vasile Goldiş, Nr.21, Bl.r1, Sc.a
World Sales Expert S.r.l., Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Psj. Scărilor, Nr.2, Bl.18, Sc.e
Office Cake S.r.l., Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Aleea Voinicilor, Nr.5, Camera 1, Bl.p14, Sc.a
Iraqy Fresh Food Srl, Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Bld. 1 Decembrie 1918, Nr.7, Cartier Găvana, Bl.m7A, Sc.c
Milcof Fox Construct Srl. Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Str. Găvenii, Bl.a10, Sc.2
Comments - Doc Pages S.r.l.