Cs Robo Software S.r.l. has been established in 2023
and is based in Jud. argeş, mun. piteşti, bld. libertăţii, nr.32, bl.d11, sc.f.
The main activity of the company is Activitati de realizare a soft-ului la comanda (software orientat client), respectively NACE 6201.
In Piteşti from Arges still operates and companies:
International Alpfiv S.a., Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Str. Constantin Dobrogeanu Gherea, Nr.58
Precazi Fox Co S.r.l., Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Str. Banat, Nr.20, Camera 1, Bl.b15A, Sc.a
Emily Billing Services S.r.l., Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Aleea Cezar Petrescu, Nr.2, Bl.j2, Sc.c
Food Impact S.r.l., Jud. Argeş, Mun. Piteşti, Bld. Ion C. Brătianu, Nr.8, Bl.b3, Sc.a
Tic-Ton Impex Srl. Jud. Argeş, Piteşti, Str. Tache Ionescu, Nr. 13
Comments - Cs Robo Software S.r.l.