Financial results - UNIQA ASIGURARI SA

Financial Summary - Uniqa Asigurari Sa
Unique identification code: 1813613
Registration number: J40/13092/2004
Nace: 6512
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Uniqa Asigurari Sa - Unique Identification Number 1813613: - euro, registering a net profit of 26.178.455 euro and having an average number of 537 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Alte activitati de asigurari (exceptand asigurarile de viata) having the NACE code 6512.

Indicatori Financiari Alte Tipuri Juridice - SOCIETATI DE ASIGURARI

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 6512 6512 6512 6512 6512 6512 6512 6512 6512 6512
Imobilizari necorporale 15.634.843 17.433.859 17.588.278 14.340.124 10.907.254 11.600.202 9.741.842 7.794.864 7.049.038 7.047.690
Imobilizãri corporale si stocuri 1.645.683 1.478.956 1.289.821 1.173.476 1.163.772 3.748.453 3.667.029 3.728.499 2.991.302 2.797.724
Casa si conturi la banci 6.736.286 9.983.961 24.150.507 24.214.991 19.518.831 22.115.291 29.839.842 44.417.530 50.812.023 48.383.824
Cheltuieli in avans 32.009.621 29.576.178 30.646.023 24.095.912 32.391.155 39.383.103 40.703.164 41.888.952 47.898.836 54.925.781
Capital si rezerve - Total 178.215.809 179.333.200 179.237.824 193.500.900 190.400.873 192.593.894 196.669.890 213.254.709 229.480.538 261.066.766
Capital social 309.880.600 309.880.600 309.880.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600
Capital subscris varsat 309.880.600 309.880.600 309.880.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600 323.800.600
Rezerve din reevaluare 11.949.054 11.945.359 11.945.359 11.945.359 10.275.799 8.346.191 6.969.661 5.655.270 4.486.876 9.502.667
Rezerve 12.785.507 13.006.328 1.180.676 1.197.500 1.197.500 1.307.679 1.511.478 2.340.719 3.430.968 5.065.686
Rezerve tehnice 602.225.786 642.963.113 703.869.609 650.690.453 586.146.410 561.218.903 541.762.955 495.006.250 477.251.907 458.885.439
Provizioane 41.054 0 0 0 12.628.194 12.628.194 12.628.194 12.628.194 19.645.014 23.325.594
Plasamente - Total 450.263.087 548.391.458 616.318.010 604.235.274 561.868.001 539.229.384 504.286.401 514.236.908 524.130.322 559.789.144
Datorii 51.831.120 43.560.267 43.465.659 47.043.555 37.813.938 57.713.953 56.430.929 53.453.054 63.383.658 74.032.519
Rezultatul tehnic al asigurarilor generale Profit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.137.964 13.413.615 14.172.541
Rezultatul tehnic al asigurarilor generale Pierdere 63.702.319 4.380.879 7.793.082 12.505.147 7.502.876 10.075.475 6.929.063 0 0 0
Venituri din plasamente 21.105.681 23.084.696 28.606.115 27.007.860 24.581.271 24.193.461 22.689.904 20.463.765 24.914.321 27.745.983
Cheltuieli cu plasamente 5.832.533 13.259.940 19.897.515 14.955.723 15.839.400 13.170.283 11.273.939 10.605.545 10.102.447 8.610.129
Venituri totale 657.006.407 524.919.024 774.311.355 646.794.020 579.417.312 665.928.226 625.871.958 652.640.051 622.193.363 636.132.096
Cheltuieli totale 705.089.889 520.576.506 774.162.347 646.450.944 591.804.983 663.724.650 621.795.961 636.055.232 600.377.598 603.437.733
Profit brut 0 4.342.518 149.008 343.076 0 2.203.576 4.075.997 16.584.819 21.815.765 32.694.363
Plasamente in imobilizari corporale si in curs 15.757.158 14.884.053 13.080.937 11.454.211 12.121.785 10.402.259 9.915.304 8.376.290 7.184.607 11.878.824
Pierdere bruta 48.083.482 0 0 0 12.387.671 0 0 0 0 0
Profit net 0 4.342.518 149.008 343.076 0 2.203.576 4.075.997 16.584.819 16.225.829 26.178.455
Pierdere neta 48.083.482 0 0 0 12.387.671 0 0 0 0 0
Numar mediu de salariati 1.055 923 894 875 794 730 704 677 634 537
Plasamente detinute la entitatile afiliate, entitatile asociate, entitati controlate in comun si alte plasamente in imobilizari financiare - - - - - 21.184.671 18.590.970 16.742.639 19.591.453 32.233.326
Plasamentele detinute la societatile afiliate si sub forma de interese de participare si alte plasamente in imobilizari financiare 16.686.248 12.383.730 9.585.797 14.396.486 10.673.702 - - - - -
Alte plasamente financiare 417.819.681 521.123.675 593.651.276 578.384.577 539.072.514 507.642.454 475.780.127 489.117.979 497.354.262 515.676.994
Partea din rezervele tehnice aferente contractelor cedate in reasigurare 260.141.234 322.754.958 373.458.077 355.009.568 317.645.511 308.181.728 305.212.724 268.384.940 264.762.238 247.490.194
Creante 231.986.174 175.906.660 123.450.673 131.033.713 135.113.810 143.583.889 152.578.953 125.128.336 114.887.194 104.119.931

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