Financial results - UNICREDIT BANK S.A.

Financial Summary - Unicredit Bank S.a.
Unique identification code: 361536
Registration number: J40/7706/1991
Nace: 6419
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Unicredit Bank S.a. - Unique Identification Number 361536: - euro, registering a net profit of 1.293.876.255 euro and having an average number of - employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Alte activitati de intermedieri monetare having the NACE code 6419.


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419 6419
Numerar si solduri de numerar la banci centrale 4.239.884.457 4.440.605.532 5.530.620.932 8.234.618.505 5.875.646.784 6.343.158.053 5.374.304.282 8.993.234.894 11.939.525.306
Datorii financiare detinute in vederea tranzactionarii 115.323.917 85.383.434 99.362.520 80.019.911 69.828.822 73.970.751 73.015.822 32.128.815 176.967.585 120.256.316
Datorii financiare evaluate la cost amortizat 25.285.556.092 29.053.915.199 33.760.902.989 36.450.810.939 39.096.762.518 39.571.650.542 43.756.629.885 53.076.351.209
Provizioane 236.269.311 95.128.796 92.753.102 184.513.022 252.248.819 275.494.962 247.860.160 274.716.239 303.747.925 288.195.260
Capital social 1.101.604.066 1.101.604.066 1.101.604.066 1.101.604.066 1.177.748.253 1.177.748.252 1.177.748.252 1.177.748.252 1.177.748.252 1.177.748.252
Rezultatul reportat 1.459.848.124 1.540.141.445 1.651.175.650 1.786.450.860 2.757.922.581 3.495.755.353 4.340.044.904
Alte Rezerve 240.534.612 240.534.612 240.534.612 244.827.555 271.031.421 298.289.998 326.469.639 366.449.639 398.901.743 433.148.113
Profit sau pierdere din operatiuni continue inainte de impozitare 98.233.765 263.860.139 326.389.247 383.160.957 646.134.742 677.314.979 545.271.930 754.250.656 7.051.337.650 1.528.519.546
Active financiare detinute in vederea tranzactionarii 256.738.572 291.926.020 393.210.237 120.949.301 269.721.286 228.368.876 512.098.409 212.593.311 166.989.508 82.890.799
Profit sau pierdere din operatiuni continue dupa impozitare 80.293.321 222.054.978 266.554.448 325.273.817 550.798.718 572.920.274 403.662.203 639.306.414 1.026.396.641 1.293.876.255
Profit sau pierdere din activitati intrerupte dupa impozitare - - 0 - 0 0 - - 879.240.139 0
Profit sau pierdere aferent/a exercitiului 80.293.321 222.054.978 266.554.448 325.273.817 550.798.718 572.920.274 403.662.203 639.306.414 - 1.293.876.255
Active financiare nedesemnate tranzactionarii evaluate obligatoriu la valoarea justã prin profit sau pierdere - - 0 - 27.063.861 39.619.988 43.237.680 46.759.633 47.725.315 14.823.234
Active financiare desemnate ca fiind evaluate la valoarea justã prin profit sau pierdere 5.946.153.215 6.359.742.012 6.369.107.584 5.999.727.015 0 0 0 - - 0
Active financiare desemnate ca fiind evaluate la valoarea justã prin alte elemente ale rezultatului global 17.645.764.740 18.917.483.722 19.794.617.153 22.543.694.598 7.328.274.888 8.612.293.006 1.675.069.444 1.920.171.705 2.016.760.543
Active financiare evaluate la cost amortizat - - 0 - 28.974.812.530 34.650.954.279 41.958.682.170 48.017.720.634 52.322.007.999
Investitii in filiale, asocieri in participatie si entitati asociate 135.753.337 143.115.683 143.115.683 143.115.683 143.115.683 143.115.683 143.115.683 143.115.683 143.115.683 143.115.683
Imobilizari corporale 202.851.501 217.772.302 206.581.764 178.612.235 171.401.239 349.058.050 394.997.075 349.494.870 357.769.654 411.888.192
Imobilizari necorporale 140.427.826 148.516.836 146.937.296 156.393.096 152.087.424 186.516.712 231.976.016 284.599.758 344.366.195 406.107.301

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Unicredit Bank S.a.

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