Financial Summary - Transilvania Constructii Sa
Unique identification code: 199044
Registration number: J1991000008125
Nace: 6820
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Transilvania Constructii Sa - Unique Identification Number 199044: - euro, registering a net profit of - euro and having an average number of - employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Inchirierea si subinchirierea bunurilor imobiliare proprii having the NACE code 6820.


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
CAEN 4120 6820 4120 4120 4120 6820 6820
ACTIVE IMOBILIZATE - TOTAL 144.942.768 150.585.808 184.613.752 208.839.623 212.166.716 230.443.472 235.726.571
CAPITALURI - TOTAL, din care: 78.167.249 88.944.289 93.849.326 91.847.413 95.145.095 100.465.658 102.386.226
Capital subscris varsat - 26.391.783 26.391.783 26.391.783 26.391.783 26.391.783 26.391.783
Cifra de afaceri neta 26.520.220 21.369.307 20.791.837 25.134.277 39.369.777 36.935.733 39.490.995
VENITURI TOTALE 18.508.562 19.701.277 25.411.450 25.655.959 39.595.139 37.596.511 39.853.802
CHELTUIELI TOTALE 16.637.644 16.737.877 19.927.797 25.247.076 32.983.275 26.346.204 27.251.242
Profit brut 1.870.918 2.963.400 5.483.653 408.883 6.611.864 11.250.307 12.602.560
Profit net 1.658.039 2.586.331 4.905.037 277.376 5.536.984 9.798.335 10.933.446
ACTIVE CIRCULANTE - TOTAL, din care: 11.963.961 7.579.631 12.192.258 9.058.753 17.698.001 19.477.684 37.528.054
Numar mediu de salariati 46 33 31 34 34 22 14
Stocuri 3.461.856 481.575 326.090 315.861 32.320 25.601 12.425.241
Creante 5.642.588 3.394.807 9.181.618 3.762.376 8.626.944 11.836.126 13.356.533
Casa si conturi la bãnci - - 2.684.550 4.980.516 9.038.737 7.615.957 11.746.280
Casa si conturi la banci 2.859.517 3.703.249 - - - - -
CHELTUIELI IN AVANS 19.190 11.391 31.162 39.683 42.552 41.557 96.167
DATORII 78.524.886 69.105.710 102.904.720 126.007.520 132.687.840 146.982.230 168.248.735
VENITURI IN AVANS - - - - 1.991.208 2.431.699 2.632.705
PROVIZIOANE 233.784 126.831 83.126 83.126 83.126 83.126 83.126

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