Financial results - IFB FINWEST SA

Financial Summary - Ifb Finwest Sa
Unique identification code: 8099938
Registration number: J02/48/1996
Nace: 6499
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Ifb Finwest Sa - Unique Identification Number 8099938: 3.797.421 euro, registering a net profit of 3.993.115 euro and having an average number of 33 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Alte intermedieri financiare n.c.a. having the NACE code 6499.
Sales - Ron556K456K565K554K498K812K708K646K768K201520152016201620172017201820182019201920202020202120212022202220232023


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 6499 6499 6499 6499 6499 6499 6499 6499 6499
ACTIVE IMOBILIZATE - TOTAL 3.537.836 3.302.472 3.137.056 2.984.734 3.071.562 3.299.846 3.140.193 3.139.720 3.625.488
PROVIZIOANE - - - - - - - 35.421 -
CAPITAL - TOTAL, din care: 18.391.644 18.391.644 18.391.644 18.391.644 9.195.821 9.195.821 9.195.821 9.195.821 9.195.821
Capital subscris varsat 18.391.644 18.391.644 18.391.644 18.391.644 9.195.821 9.195.821 9.195.821 9.195.821 9.195.821
Rezultatul reportat cu exceptia rezultatului reportat provenit din adoptarea pentru prima data a IAS 29 (sold C) - - - - - 89.034 96.610 104.187 111.763
Rezultatul reportat cu exceptia rezultatului reportat provenit din adoptarea pentru prima data a IAS 29 (sold D) 10.212.509 10.383.438 10.672.672 9.109.245 757.403 - 0 0 -
CAPITALURI PROPRII 9.644.486 9.344.252 9.630.214 8.786.234 10.069.857 9.964.024 10.448.065 10.903.356 14.478.004
ACTIVE CIRCULANTE - TOTAL, din care: 17.137.205 20.324.408 21.984.945 24.027.132 51.246.929 37.285.845 37.937.686 38.127.842 57.402.374
Cifra de afaceri neta 2.472.848 2.049.384 2.579.546 2.580.273 2.363.995 3.928.039 3.501.679 3.187.726 3.797.421
VENITURI TOTALE, din care: 3.232.015 3.273.816 4.612.550 4.187.282 4.722.779 5.518.309 5.183.722 6.410.930 11.062.927
Venituri din exploatare 2.526.277 2.100.163 2.579.546 2.626.428 2.375.985 3.974.010 3.501.680 3.188.631 3.844.848
Venituri financiare 705.738 1.173.653 2.033.004 1.560.854 2.346.794 1.544.299 1.682.042 3.222.299 7.218.079
CHELTUIELI TOTALE din care: 3.875.715 3.413.943 3.574.050 4.326.589 3.643.419 5.513.721 4.774.681 5.592.529 7.069.812
Cheltuieli de exploatare 3.112.786 2.804.890 2.957.405 3.020.248 3.113.228 4.119.331 4.213.018 4.420.844 5.242.938
Profit brut 0 0 285.961 0 - - - - -
Cheltuieli financiare 301.157 769.160 1.369.184 1.997.425 530.191 1.394.390 561.663 1.171.685 1.826.874
Pierdere bruta 181.928 300.234 0 830.391 - - - - -
Rezultatul brut Profit - - - - 1.079.360 4.588 409.041 818.401 3.993.115
Profit net 0 0 285.961 0 - - - - -
Pierdere neta 181.928 300.234 0 843.980 - - - - -
Rezultatul net Profit - - - - 1.079.360 4.588 409.041 818.401 3.993.115
Creante 1.188.727 1.298.993 40.900 501.493 1.060.109 47.878 486.276 76.755 1.980.937
Imobilizari financiare 10.168.924 10.128.694 10.069.734 10.070.505 - - - - -
Numar mediu de salariati 39 34 28 31 32 31 33 32 33
Investitii pe termen scurt 4.907.716 4.187.608 5.343.473 3.798.302 - - - - -
Casa in lei si valuta 5.557 4.598 2.549 3.063 - - - - -
Conturi curente la banci in lei si valuta 11.035.205 14.833.209 16.598.023 19.724.275 - - - - -
Casa si conturi la banci 11.040.762 14.837.807 16.600.572 19.727.337 44.842.183 32.595.626 32.235.876 32.279.142 47.001.857
Investitii financiare pe termen scurt 4.907.716 4.187.608 5.343.473 3.798.302 5.344.637 4.642.341 5.215.534 5.771.945 8.419.580
CHELTUIELI IN AVANS 9.420 17.962 17.989 18.534 20.841 24.060 28.987 32.744 53.718
DATORII CE TREBUIESC PLATITE INTR-O PERIOADA DE UN AN 11.039.975 14.300.590 15.509.776 18.244.166 44.269.475 30.645.727 30.658.801 30.361.529 46.603.576

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Ifb Finwest Sa

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Ifb Finwest Sa

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