Financial Summary - Asociatia Judeteana A Vinatorilor Si Pescarilor Sp
Unique identification code: 3409809
Registration number: J34/143/1997
Nace: 9319
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Asociatia Judeteana A Vinatorilor Si Pescarilor Sp - Unique Identification Number 3409809: - euro, registering a net profit of -195.993 euro and having an average number of 1 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Alte activitati sportive having the NACE code 9319.
Sales - Ron

Indicatori Financiari Alte Tipuri Juridice - PERSOANA JURIDICA FĂRĂ SCOP PATRIMONIAL

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN PRIVIND ACTIVITATILE ECONOMICE SAU FINANCIARE 4719 4719 4719 4719 4719 4719 4719 4719 4719 4719
CAEN PRIVIND ACTIVITATILE FARA SCOP PATRIMONIAL 9319 9319 9319 9319 9319 9319 9319 9319 9319 9319
A. Active imobilizate - total 231.997 234.344 260.435 246.652 216.641 238.082 228.734 219.386 209.838 200.490
J. Capitaluri proprii - total 1.153.653 1.086.035 990.372 851.969 1.020.235 879.992 673.808 579.576 534.398 615.870
Capitaluri - total 1.153.653 - - - 1.020.235 879.992 673.808 579.576 534.398 615.870
Venituri din activitatile fara scop patrimonial - prevederi anuale 603.765 593.000 681.500 752.650 819.150 797.950 859.150 802.030 886.040 993.440
Venituri din activitatile fara scop patrimonial 546.902 556.731 621.553 673.622 999.713 701.210 690.736 703.028 820.743 1.095.314
Cheltuieli privind activitatile fara scop patrimonial - prevederi anuale 599.621 591.360 681.115 752.500 818.930 797.800 859.000 801.790 885.770 986.500
Cheltuieli privind activitatile fara scop patrimonial 554.065 549.470 633.883 737.074 787.474 756.746 815.379 734.642 823.316 958.349
Excedent din activitatile fara scop patrimonial - prevederi anuale 4.144 1.640 385 150 220 150 150 240 270 6.940
Excedent din activitatile fara scop patrimonial 0 7.261 0 0 212.239 0 0 0 0 136.965
B. Active circulante - total 1.020.240 953.291 841.492 717.308 923.045 769.759 693.493 671.222 647.818 727.009
Deficit din activitatile fara scop patrimonial 7.163 0 12.330 63.452 0 55.536 124.643 31.614 2.573 0
Venituri din activitatile economice - prevederi anuale 219.000 225.500 223.000 229.550 174.500 227.200 166.000 186.810 155.100 184.800
Venituri din activitatile economice 191.230 170.438 155.397 167.345 203.087 170.142 95.902 146.773 198.597 240.571
Cheltuieli privind activitatile economice - prevederi anuale 220.020 219.520 222.800 229.450 174.500 227.200 166.000 186.800 155.100 183.300
Cheltuieli privind activitatile economice 255.998 261.238 238.730 242.295 247.059 254.850 177.443 209.391 241.201 296.064
Profit din activitatile economice - prevederi anuale 0 5.980 200 100 0 0 0 10 0 1.500
Pierdere din activitatile economice - prevederi anuale 1.020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pierdere din activitatile economice 64.768 90.800 83.333 74.950 43.972 84.708 81.541 62.618 42.604 55.493
Venituri totale - prevederi anuale 822.765 818.500 904.500 982.200 993.650 1.025.150 1.025.150 988.840 1.041.140 1.178.240
Venituri totale 738.132 727.169 776.950 840.967 1.202.800 871.352 786.638 849.801 1.019.340 1.335.885
Cheltuieli totale - prevederi anuale 819.641 810.880 903.915 981.950 993.430 1.025.000 1.025.000 988.590 1.040.870 1.169.800
D. Datorii ce trebuie platite intr-o perioada de pana la un an 98.584 101.600 111.555 111.991 119.451 127.849 248.419 311.032 323.258 311.629
Cheltuieli totale 810.063 810.708 872.613 979.369 1.034.533 1.011.596 992.822 944.033 1.064.517 1.254.413
Excedent/Profit - prevederi anuale 3.124 7.620 585 250 220 150 150 250 270 8.440
Excedent/Profit 0 0 0 0 168.267 0 0 0 0 81.472
Deficit/Pierdere 71.931 83.539 95.663 138.402 0 140.244 206.184 94.232 45.177 0
Efectivul de personal privind activitatea fara scop patrimonial 21 20 20 20 20 - - - - -
Efectivul de personal privind activitatile fara scop patrimonial - - - - - 20 20 18 18 18
Efectivul de personal privind activitatile economice sau financiare 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - -
Efectivul de personal privind activitatile economice - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1
E. Active circulante nete, respectiv datorii curente nete 921.656 851.691 729.937 605.317 803.594 641.910 445.074 360.190 324.560 415.380
F. Total active minus datorii curente 1.153.653 1.086.035 990.372 851.969 1.020.235 879.992 673.808 579.576 534.398 615.870

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