Financial Reports, Market Reports, Shareholders and Diagrams, and Company Monitoring 6 Months

Package containing access to Financial Reports, Market Reports, Shareholders and Diagrams, and Company Monitoring 6 Months
36200 Eur / 6 months
The displayed price includes VAT
Subscription type:
Usage Type: Online
Activation Time: Immediately after making the payment
Product Presentation


It includes unlimited monthly access to the following types of reports:

- Financial Rating

- Trade Limits

- Probability of Insolvency

- Outstanding Debts to the State Budget


Financial Rating is a system by which each company is assigned a qualification: very good, normal or low depending on the financial results and relative to the industry of which it is a part.

A very good rating means that the company has a high capacity to pay its financial obligations in the next period, compared to a low rating that shows us that the company is in an unstable financial situation.

The information is critical to determine if a company is an important player in the field in which it operates, a leader in the industry or if it meets the necessary criteria for establishing contracts.


Rating Financiar


Trade Limits represent the maximum amounts for which you can give goods or services with term payment. If too much merchandise is sold compared to the availability of payment, there is a risk of not collecting the respective amounts.

The Trade Limits indicate a maximum working ceiling between companies so that the supplier does not provide goods or services disproportionate to the client's ability to pay. In this way, the supplier can avoid the risk of non-payment by customers.

Checking the Report is extremely important to limit the risks of non-payment of invoices, the limits being granted depending on the financial situation and history of each client. If the promissory notes and checks are not paid on time, the company will be registered in the Payment Incidents Central.

The limits are differentiated according to the usual payment terms. Thus, a period of 30 days carries a much lower risk of non-payment than a period of 90 days.

The limits are determined on the basis of financial indicators and can be adjusted according to the desired degree of risk.


Limite Plati la Termen


Probability of Insolvency shows the probability that a company will no longer be able to pay its financial obligations to the company's creditors, respectively to suppliers and financial institutions.

A high probability definitely indicates a high risk for the company, but it does not represent a certainty that the company will enter insolvency.

The report includes a statistic on the number of companies by insolvency group, which serves to position the company from the point of view of probability in the total number of companies. Thus, it can be established whether a company is placed among those with high risk or among those with low risk.

Probabilitatea de Insolventa


Outstanding Debts to the State Budget are the debts that the company registers with the State Budget. The larger these debts are, the more difficult their payment is, and the risk of blocking the accounts is imminent.

The outstanding debts to the State Budget are relevant considering that they can attract the seizure (blocking) of the respective company's accounts until the outstanding amounts are met. Thus, outstanding debts represent a major operational risk.

Datorii restante



The subscription includes unlimited monthly access to the following types of reports:

- Firm value

- Market share

- Comparison

- Competition

- Sales to the State (SICAP)

- Registered Brands


The Company Value report presents the estimated value for the last years at which the company can be sold according to the submitted accounting balance and related to the growth trend of the industry of which it is a part.

Valoarea Firmei


The Market Share represents the percentage of the company's turnover from the total turnover at the county and country level in the field of activity of the questioned company.

Cota de Piata


The Comparison Report offers an instant comparison with the largest company in the field of activity of the questioned company and the possibility to compare at any time with another company, the financial data of the company of interest.

Raport Comparatie


The Competition Report presents the company's position at county or country level, in its field of activity, as well as the most important players in the market and their growth.

Raport Competitie


The Registered Trademarks report shows the trademarks registered by a legal entity at OSIM regarding a product or a service. The report includes both valid and pending brands.

Raport Marci Inregistrate




The subscription includes unlimited monthly access to natural persons of interest holding shares in companies, their participation quota or if they are administrators.


The diagram of participations in other companies of a person, the state of the companies and their financial data - You have a complete and correct picture about the people with whom you are going to sign a contract.

Actionari Cautare


Participation and company status

The participation rate in active companies helps you to know the involvement and to establish the credibility of the shareholder with whom you will start a partnership. A shareholder who has shares in active companies has greater credibility than one who has shares in defunct companies.

Actionari Persoana


Financial data of companies

The financial situation of the companies in which he owns shares or is an administrator, the questioned natural person, helps you to know the size of the group in which he is involved, to see the evolution over the years and the current financial performance.




Monitor your client and supplier portfolio and receive alerts for every change in their activity. Do not sign contracts with companies that you do not check, because you risk exposing your company to significant risks.


Follow the evolution of your partners and set payment limits or contractual conditions.
Bankruptcy processes, outstanding debts or payment delays are just some of the reasons to stop collaborations and be more cautious in future transactions.

Monitorizare Structura


Establish the Client List

Decide what information you want to follow and what are the risks to which you do not want to subject your company. We recommend full monitoring!

Set the frequency with which you want to receive notifications. We recommend daily alerts, in order not to miss any unpredictable situation.

Monitorizare Portofoliu


Analyze the Alerts Received

Each alert means a change in the activity of the companies of interest and eliminates the need for repeated checks.

Decide how serious the change is and follow the details in your client interface, in order to adapt to the risks in a timely manner.

Monitorizare Alerte

Product Specifications

The subscription includes:

- Unlimited access to Financial and Market Reports, Shareholders Reports and Diagrams, monitoring for 100 companies for 6 months

- Companies can be searched by Name or Unique Identification Code CUI - Fiscal Code (only Romanian companies)

- Viewing the reports on the screen and downloading them in PDF format

- Sending reports in PDF format by email to a maximum of 5 email addresses simultaneously

- History of accessed reports

- Automatic update of all reports when new data sets appear

- The remaining debts to the State Budget are updated quarterly according to the legislative provisions

- It is necessary for the user to upload the monitored companies or send the list of companies to RisCo for uploading them into the system!


Payment for Subscription:

- Payment can be completed only by credit or debit card.

- The subscription is activated immediately after payment.

- If the Subscription has not been used for 14 days, the user can request cancellation of the subscription and reimbursement of the amount paid.

- If the Subscription was used during the 14-day period or after the 14-day period from the date of purchase, the amounts paid are no longer refunded.

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Identification data
Company: RisCo Servicii Financiare SRL
Unique Registration Code(CUI): 33741906
Registration Number: J40/12529/2014
EUID: ROONRC.J40/12529/2014
Address: Bdul Pierre de Coubertin 3-5, Office Building, etaj 5, sector 2, Bucuresti
Phone number
You can contact us during working hours
Monday - Friday 9.00 - 17.00
+40 314 336 580
Email RisCo
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