Unlimited - Monthly

New Companies Alerts - Monthly Recurrent Payment

Alerts regarding new companies established in Romania.
1000 Eur
The displayed price includes VAT
Usage Type: Online
Activation Time: Immediately after making the payment
Product Presentation

The system provides weekly the list of newly established companies, according to the data registered at the Trade Register.

The subscription includes all future alerts, as well as alerts for the previous 8 weeks.


List of alerts
The list is sent weekly by email in the form of a message with a download link for the Excel file.

The contents of the file
The file contains SRL and SA type companies.

Data presented:
The data presented for each company are: company name, CUI, Commercial Register number, locality, county, company status, registration date.

Download the list
You can download the monthly lists of newly established companies. See exactly which companies are established in each calendar month.

Alerte Firme Noi


Product Specifications

The subscription includes:

- Unlimited access to New Companies Alerts

- Receive the alerts by email

- Downloading the alerts in Excel format

- Weekly update of files with alerts


Payment for Subscription:

- Payment is made MONTHLY by debiting the credit or debit card registered in the account.

- It is necessary to save the bank card for monthly recurring payments. Saving the card is done in the payment systems of the bank, respectively ING Bank. RisCo does not have access to customers' card data.

- The subscription is activated immediately after payment.

- The subscription, respectively the related payments, can be stopped at any time from the customer account in the Subscriptions section.

- After paying for a calendar month and stopping the recurring payment, the user has access to the reports until the next recurring date (when the card will not be debited if it has been stopped).

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Macavei Simona
O baza de date inutila
Identification data RisCo.ro
Company: RisCo Servicii Financiare SRL
Unique Registration Code(CUI): 33741906
Registration Number: J40/12529/2014
EUID: ROONRC.J40/12529/2014
Address: Bdul Pierre de Coubertin 3-5, Office Building, etaj 5, sector 2, Bucuresti
Phone number
You can contact us during working hours
Monday - Friday 9.00 - 17.00
+40 314 336 580
Email RisCo
Do not hesitate to contact us by email or
ask us any question