CAPITALY COMSERV SRL - Unique Identification Number 4403480

Sales, Net Profit, Employees - Capitaly Comserv Srl

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sales - EUR 183.498 188.210 205.124 208.006 256.263 256.285 68.890 72.875 115.028 146.512
Net Profit - EUR -24.764 -33.550 -34.587 -19.880 -34.462 18.034 -37.654 -29.757 -10.887 6.233
Employee 6 11 11 11 10 11 12 4 3 0 6
Capitaly Comserv Srl recorded a sales of 724.720 RON in the year 2023 and a net profit of 30.830 RON.
The company recorded an increase of 27.4% compared to the previous year. The average number of employees was 6.

Company verification and reports - Capitaly Comserv Srl


Shareholders -
Capitaly Comserv Srl

Vezi actionarii firmei si participatiile acestora in alte companii.

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Legal Actions

Legal Actions -
Capitaly Comserv Srl

See the company's processes, the object of the file and the quality of the part.

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Payment Incidents

Payment Incidents -
Capitaly Comserv Srl

See if the questioned company pays its employees or not.

Check Incidents
Full Reports

Full Reports -
Capitaly Comserv Srl

Checks the company financially and legally and makes informed decisions.

Check Reports
Risk Reports they are absolutely necessary tools in the analysis of a company. These can be financial, legal or market reports. Each category contains a number of different reports that make the analysis of the company as detailed and complete as possible. Their purpose is to provide the clearest possible picture of the company's situation, they being structured to be as easily understood by any user. RisCo provides 20 different company analysis reports.

Reviews - Capitaly Comserv Srl

Comments - Capitaly Comserv Srl

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Subscriptions Contacts

Unlimited access to contact data for any company: Phones, Administrators, Email address. The data are validated and updated daily.

Subscription cost is per user. You can pay simultaneously up to 10 users.
RisCo Subscriptions offer the greatest flexibility in choosing the best services according to the needs of each user. These are structured into categories based on the type of service desired, as well as on different service contract periods: monthly, semi-annually, and annually. Check out the subscription offer for the best choices!

Similar services useful for checking companies and business development.


Follow the activity of your customers and make decisions based on changes occurred.


Create lists of companies according to the criteria of interest and start contacting.


Export in excel files the data of the companies selected according to the desired criteria.

API - Company data

Import automatically company data in your systems and get instant access to information.

Similar services represent services associated with companies and which allow you to manage much better the entire portfolio of clients and suppliers. Company monitoring follows the daily activity of your partners and sends you alerts when legal or financial changes occur. SellNet is specially designed for attracting new customers. The databases allow you to export the companies and information you want in Excel files, and the API services integrate the information provided by RisCo in your company's systems.