Am gasit 53359 inregistrate in Sector 1 bucuresti dintre care
59072 firme cu forma de organizare SRL, 13060 firme cu forma de organizare PFA, 1278 firme cu forma de organizare SA, 244 firme cu forma de organizare SRL-D, 193 firme cu forma de organizare II, 59 firme cu forma de organizare IF, 46 firme cu forma de organizare SPRL.
Cele mai intalnite activitati dupa cod caen sunt:
4120 - Construction of residential and non-residential buildings (2211 companies),
7022 - Business and other management consultancy activities (3512 companies),
7311 - Advertising agencies (1917 companies),
4791 - Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet (2354 companies),
6201 - Computer programming activities (1928 companies).