2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | |
CAEN | 6491 | 6491 | 6491 | 6491 | 6491 |
Casa, si alte valori | 10.215 | 14.660 | 18.363 | 13.977 | 12.037 |
Datorii privind institutiile de credit | 202.282.450 | 173.881.860 | 174.695.521 | 160.263.200 | 147.232.135 |
Datorii privind clientela | 380 | 380 | 380 | 691 | 598 |
Provizioane | 141.721 | 105.757 | 164.205 | 153.547 | 19.838 |
Capital social subscris | 72.537.444 | 72.537.444 | 14.564.448 | 14.564.448 | 16.901.952 |
Rezerve | 601.840 | 1.152.785 | 601.840 | 601.840 | 601.840 |
Rezultatul activitãtii curente - Profit | 0 | 11.018.904 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Rezultatul activitãtii curente - Pierdere | 8.655.400 | 0 | 5.360.457 | 6.183.795 | 4.454.909 |
Venituri totale | 42.840.037 | 109.581.268 | 37.354.500 | 116.509.593 | 21.654.889 |
Creante asupra institutiilor de credit | 3.319.434 | 8.385.111 | 22.559.230 | 11.135.177 | 14.297.063 |
Cheltuieli totale | 51.495.437 | 98.562.364 | 42.714.957 | 122.693.388 | 26.109.798 |
Rezultatul brut - Profit | 0 | 11.018.904 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Rezultatul brut - Pierdere | 8.655.400 | 0 | 5.360.457 | 6.183.795 | 4.454.909 |
Rezultatul net al exercitiului financiar - Profit | 0 | 11.018.904 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Rezultatul net al exercitiului financiar - Pierdere | 8.655.400 | 0 | 5.360.457 | 6.183.795 | 4.454.909 |
Creante asupra clientelei | 162.912.257 | 78.272.644 | 63.441.311 | 50.616.700 | 40.312.584 |
Imobilizãri corporale | 259.795 | 142.876 | 48.057 | 23.447 | 7.507 |
Imobilizãri necorporale | 21.557 | 13.456 | 108.618 | 71.015 | 33.121 |
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